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Monday, June 30, 2008

Looking for technology that never gets old?

Consider the new Samsung Blu-ray BD-P1500 Blu-ray Disc player. Our next generation Blu-ray Disc player. Providing you full 1080p resolution the highest available - 6 times higher than a regular DVD. Consider that your average DVD is 720x480 = 345,600px compared to Blu-ray 1920x1080 = 2,073,600px. The difference is pretty compelling. Add TrueHD surround sound and your Full HD experience is complete.

With its built-in Ethernet connection, it's future ready. The BD-P1500 can be constantly updated with the latest firmware and features. Soon, BD-Live will enable you to take advantage of enhanced interactivity as it becomes available for your Blu-ray titles

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